Ethyl Alcohol, 96% Denatured,Technical Grade 1000ml ( CAS No. : 64-17-5 ) Made in Korea

RM 28.00

1. Ethanol as a Solvent
Ethanol is a commonly used solvent, the second most important solvent after water. It is fairly safe, can be used to dissolve many organic compounds and is also easily mixed with water. It is widely used in personal care products such as hairspray, perfume, mouthwash and nail varnish, as well as essential oils, food colourings and food flavourings. When mixed with methanol, it’s also great for removing annoying sticky labels

2. Ethanol in the Medical Field
Ethanol when dilute with water to concentration of 70%, is widely used as both an antiseptic and disinfectant. Medical wipes and antibacterial hand sanitisers contain alcohol to help prevent the spread of bacteria, and it is also used to sterilise the skin as well as medical equipment. Ethanol is also used to dissolve water-insoluble medication including liquid cough and cold medicine and pain medication


3. Engine and Rocket Fuel
Ethanol is mainly used as an engine fuel and fuel additive. Ethanol burns to give carbon
dioxide and water and can be used as a fuel on its own or mixed with petrol. It has been shown that ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions as well as other ozone-forming pollutants as compared with pure petrol. Interestingly, ethanol has also been used as rocket fuel. The German WWII V-2 rocket, which is recognized as beginning the age of space travel, used an ethanol and water mix. The team which designed the V-2 also developed U.S. rockets after the war, including the rocket which launched the first U.S. satellite.

Other uses:

  • All bathroom and kitchen faucets can be cleaned with ethyl alcohol in an absorbent cloth. They will be bright and without bacteria.
  • The Alcohol is great for cleaning the mirrors of your home - in addition to being very bright, do not steam up so easily.
  • The Blinds get a new air when washed with alcohol. Use a spatula long, wrap a cloth, soak it in alcohol and clean clapboard.
  • Remove ink stains and highlighter marks from clothes by soaking the garment in alcohol. Let stand an overnight and wash the clothing as usual.
  • If your new shoes are a little tight, pass a piece of cotton soaked in alcohol and put on them to see if extend enough.
  • The Alcohol is an excellent disinfectant to mobile phones and also in television remote control.
  • Clean The monitor of your computer with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol. Spend a damp cloth and dry
    with another cloth . The same method can be used to clean your TV or LCD.
  • Contamination by filter pens or ink markers on lacquered surfaces can be remove by spraying with alcohol. You will see that quickly become liquid and can be removed right away.
  • The Fat stains on carpets are easily removed with a solution made with a part salt to four parts alcohol. Rub the stain firmly until it disappears.
  • Widely used for extraction of oils from flowers and plant material that are used to make perfume.

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